A Letter To Someone is a delightful narrative-driven top-down puzzle game. Dive into a cute little story where every step unveils quirky points  of the story. Navigate through  puzzles problems, explore a charmingly crafted world, and discover the heartfelt messages hidden in letter. Perfect for fans of indie games, story-rich adventures, and puzzles that tickle your brain. 



↑→↓←   ~  Move

X  ~  Select

 ~  Undo

R  ~  Restart



A letter is wrote by a boy, but for whome? for someone, we also don't know. But the important thing is we got a chance to see & experience what's written in letter. Combined with Sokoban style gameplay & driven on the string of  'what's written in the letter' narrative, this story is of how a boy(extrovert in public eyes, but shy & silent in himself) found a reason to achieve. A reason to pull himself up a little harder.

Experience the story through a third person perspective as you read through the lines of the letter, solve the puzzles & reach the dramatic end.


  • Experience a touching cute lil story.
  • Solve fun and mind-maping puzzles.
  • Enjoy a simple top-down environment.
  • An easter egg character which want to say something.

Devlopers note

Hi, I'm Tejas Agarkar. A third year college student and a game dev enthusiasts. This game was just my try at figuring out and mastering a engine in less than a week, and I think I was successful in it(maybe). 

I'll be glad if you leave a comment or any improvement, meanwhile checkout my other games☺️

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